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Discover the fascinating world of wildlife through my passion as a wildlife cameraman and photographer. My goal is to capture and share the breathtaking moments that nature offers. I am not limited to commercial and documentary projects; I have completely fallen in love with the beauty of our wild nature. I challenge myself and my abilities in demanding conditions. Tracking wild animals and waiting for the perfect moment are fundamental elements of my work. I strive to capture those unforgettable moments that awaken your senses. I am aware of the demanding nature and sensitivity of this work, and I consciously respect and admire the richness of our natural world. I always strive to minimize my impact on the environment and ensure that my work does not endanger the fragile balance of natural ecosystems. In 2023, I was honored to receive the prestigious Czech Nature Photo award for the best series of photographs that reflect the beauty of our native wildlife. In 2022, I had the privilege of being part of The Elephangelist expedition as a wildlife cameraman and photographer. This experience opened my eyes and brought new perspectives on the protection of wild nature. I share my knowledge and collaborate with other passionate nature conservationists to support sustainable development and biodiversity conservation. With great joy, I present my work to you, and I hope that my photographs and films will bring you into close contact with the nature that I deeply respect and love.





V roce 2022 jsem měl možnost se jako wildlife kameraman a fotograf přidat k expedici The Elephangelist - Příběh Čecha, který mění osudy zvířat v Africe. V Kongu jsme strávili celkem dva týdny, abychom natočili o Arthurovi F. Sniegonovi dokumentární film a můžu napsat, že to bylo zatím nejextrémnější natáčení, které jsem kdy zažil. Film je venku, stačí kliknout na fotku.


Na konci roku 2022 jsme dokončili celoroční projekt, dokumentární film o fauně a flóře v Brdech. Celkem jsme měli cca 50 natáčecích dní v extrémních mrazech, velkých vedrech, v dešti i drsném větru. Stovky pročekaných hodin v terénu nám odkrylo jak krásnou přírodu máme kolem sebe. Film bude v roce 2023 součástí expozice Domu přírody Brd.

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